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 医学部 医学科 内科学講座 循環器内科学分野(佐倉)
 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (Sakura)

■ 当該年度研究業績数一覧表
研究者名 刊行論文 著書 その他 学会発表 その他
和文英文 和文英文 国内国際

清水 一寛   講師
   3 2  1        1
飯塚 卓夫   助教
佐藤 修司   助教
    2          3
鈴木 理代   助教
髙橋 真生   助教
   1 8          1
美甘 周史   助教
 0 5  1 0  0  6
研究者名 刊行論文 著書 その他 学会発表 その他

清水 一寛   講師
  3  1     1
飯塚 卓夫   助教
佐藤 修司   助教
鈴木 理代   助教
髙橋 真生   助教
  1       1
美甘 周史   助教
 0 5  1 0  0  6
(  ):発表数中の特別講演、招請講演、宿題報告、会長講演、基調講演、受賞講演、教育講演(セミナー、レクチャーを含む)、シンポジウム、パネル(ラウンドテーブル)ディスカッション、ワークショップ、公開講座、講習会 (  ):発表数中の特別講演、招請講演、宿題報告、会長講演、基調講演、受賞講演、教育講演(セミナー、レクチャーを含む)、シンポジウム、パネル(ラウンドテーブル)ディスカッション、ワークショップ、公開講座、講習会
■ 刊行論文
1. Noro M, Zhu X, Enomoto Y, Oikawa Y, Tatsunami H, Ishii R, Toyoda Y, Asami M, Sahara N, Takagi T, Narabayashi Y, Hashimoto H, Ito N, Kujime S, Sakai T, Nakamura K, Sakata T, Abe H, Sugi K.:  Decreased Defibrillation Threshold and Minimized Myocardial Damage With Left Axilla Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation.  Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society  80 (4) :878 -886 , 2016
2. Shiba T, Sugiyama T, Hori Y, Matsumoto T, Maeno T, Takahashi M:  Relationship between plasma levels of vasoactive mediators and optic nerve head circulation shown by laser speckle flowgraphy.  Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie  254 (6) :1033 -1039 , 2016
3. Yamamoto T, Shimizu K, Takahashi M, Tatsuno I, Shirai K:  The Effect of Nitroglycerin on Arterial Stiffness of the Aorta and the Femoral-Tibial Arteries -Monitoring with a Stiffness Parameter β-Derived Vascular Index-.  Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis  24 (10) :1048 -1057 , 2017
4. Masayo Suzuki,Mao Takahashi,Takuo Iizuka,Hitoshi Terada,Hirohumi Noike,Kohji Shirai:  Frequency of coronary artery stenosis in patients with asymptomatic familial hypercholesterolemia and its association with carotid intimal thickness and cardio-ankle vascular index.  Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology  7 :83 -90 , 2016
5. Kazuhiro Shimizu, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Mao Takahashi, Shuji Sato, Hirofumi Noike and Kohji Shirai:  Effect of nitroglycerin administration on cardio-ankle vascular index.  Vascular Health and Risk Management  12 :313 -319 , 2016
1. Mao Takahashi1, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takuo Iizuka1, Shyuuji Satou, Mahito Noro, Tomoaki Shiba and Kohji Shirai:  Diagnosis and treatment of macrovascular complications in diabetes mellitus using arterial stiffness measured by cardio-ankle vascular index.  Journal of Aging Science.  5 (1) :167 -167 , 2017
1. 永井泰斗, 榎本善成, 伊藤雄太, 長島義宜, 飯島雷輔, 原英彦, 野呂眞人, 諸井雅男, 鈴木真事, 中村正人, 杉薫, 鈴木謙:  繰り返す失神を契機に診断されたAL心アミロイドーシスの1例.  心臓  48 (4) :428 -433 , 2016
2. Kazuhiro Shimizu, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Kohji Shirai:  Arterial stiffness, as monitored by cardio–ankle vascular index, is affected by obstructive sleep apnea, blood glucose control, and body weight – a case with 8 years follow up.  International Medical Case Reports Journal  (9) :231 -235 , 2016
3. Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takeshi Sasaki, Takanobu Tomaru and Hirofumi Noike:  Extensive deep vein thrombosis treatment using fondaparinux and edoxaban: a case
report.  Thrombosis Journal  14 (15) :1 -4 , 2016
■ 著書
1. 清水一寛:  急性肺血栓塞栓症をどのように疑い的確に診断するか.  Heart View  16-21.  MEDICAL VIEW,  東京、日本, 2016
■ 学会発表
1. ◎清水一寛, 山本智幸, 佐藤修司, 高橋真生, 東丸貴信, 野呂眞人, 白井厚治: CAVIで評価した器質的な動脈弾性と機能的な動脈弾性.  第51回日本成人病学会総会,  東京、日本,  2017/01
2. ◎高橋真生, 白井厚治: 血管弾性能指標CAVIを用いた新しい循環動態分析. 第53回日本臨床生理学会総会, 東京, 2016.10.  第53回日本臨床生理学会総会,  東京,  2016/10
3. ◎佐藤修司, 髙橋真生, 清水一寛, 飯塚卓夫, 鈴木理代, 美甘周史, 野呂眞人, 白井厚治: Nicorandil投与の血管弾性指標Cardio-ankle vascular index(CAVI)に対する影響.  第53回日本臨床生理学会総会,  東京,  2016/10
4. ◎佐藤修司, 清水一寛, 髙橋真生, 永川修, 白井厚治: 透析治療中の循環動態変動と血管弾性指標Cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI).  第53回日本臨床生理学会総会,  東京,  2016/10
5. ◎清水一寛、山本智幸、高橋真生、佐藤修司、白井厚治: Effect of nitroglycerin administration on cardio-ankle vascular index.  第53回日本臨床生理学会,  東京、日本,  2016/10
6. ◎Asami M, Nakamura K, Toyoda Y, Ishii R, Sahara N, Narabayashi Y, Takagi T , Hashimoto H, Ito N, Enomoto Y, Sakai T, Sakata T, Noro M, Sugi K: A case of mitral isthmus depended macro-reentrant atrial tachycardia with very slow conduction.  第63回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会,  北海道,  2016/07
7. ◎Hashimoto H, Noro M, Toyoda Y, Asami M, Sahara N, Takagi T, Narabayashi Y, Ito N, Enomoto Y, Sakai T, Sakata T, Nakamura K, Sugi K: The relation of DFT in the ICD systems with a single-coil or dual-coil lead.  第63回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会,  北海道,  2016/07
8. ◎Ishii R, Okazaki O, Nakamura K, Hara H, Hiroi Y, Noro M, Sugi K: A study of right heart failure onset and tricuspid regurgitation caused by pacemaker device leads.  第63回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会,  北海道,  2016/07
9. ◎Okazaki O, Yumino D, Ishii R, Awaya T, Hara H, Hiroi Y, Noro M, Moroi M, Sugi K: A case of Sleep Apnea Syndrome diagnosed by a pacemaker respiratory cycle algorithm after PV isolation.  第63回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会,  北海道,  2016/07
10. ◎姜 美子, 海老沼 宏幸, 山口 崇, 高橋 真生, 龍野 一郎, 金 文龍, Wolfgang Schneider, Antonio Vidal-Puig, 武城 英明: 可溶性 LR11 は脂肪細胞の褐色化を抑制し、その血中濃度は脂肪量に依存する.  第48回日本動脈硬化学会総会・学術集会,  東京,  2016/07
11. ◎Shuji Sato, Mao Takahashi, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takuo Iizuka, Masayo suzuki, Hiroshi Mikamo, Mahito Noro, Kohji Shirai: Effect of Nicorandil Administration of Arterial Stiffness Monitored with the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) after Coronary Intervention.  第81回日本循環器学会学術集会,  金沢,  2017/03
12. ◎Nakamura K, Noro M, Hashimoto H, Asami M, Hara H, Moroi M, Nakamura M, Sugi K: The Investigation of Myocardial Injury after Subcutaneous ICD Implantation with Defibrillation
Test in Computer Simulation Model and Clinical Cases.  第81回日本循環器学会学術集会,  金沢,  2017/03
13. ◎Sahara N, Nakamura K, Noro M, Ishi R, Toyoda Y, Asami M, Narabayashi Y, Hashimoto H, Enomoto Y, Kujime S, Sakai T, Sugi K: The experience of sensing failure during VF induction test in S-ICD implantation.  第63回日本不整脈心電学会学術大会,  北海道,  2016/07
14. ◎Hiroshi Mikamo, Shuji Sato, Masayo Suzuki, Takuo Iizuka: Predictors of Ventricular fibrillation and cardiac death in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  第25回日本心血管インターベンション治療学会総会,  東京,  2016/07
1. ◎Noto T, Nakamura K, Ishii R, Toyoda Y, Asami M, Sahara N, Takagi T,Hashimoto H, Enomoto E, Kujime S, Kumagai K, Sakai T, Sakaga T, Zhu X, Noro M, Sugi K: The investigation of myocardial injury after subcutaneous ICD implantation with defibeilaton test in computer simulation model and clinical cases.  CardioRhythm 2017,  Hong Kong, China,  2017/02
2. ◎Shimizu T, Nakamura K, Ishii R, Toyoda Y, Asami M, Sahara N, Takagi T, Hashimoto H, Enomoto Y, Kujime S, Kumagai K, Sakai T, Sakata T, Noro M, Sugi K: The report of idiopathic VF is difficult to distinguish vasospastic angina from J wave syndrome.  CardioRhythm 2017,  Hong Kong, China,  2017/02
3. ◎Takahashi M,Shiba T,Hori Y,Noro M,Shirai K,Bujo H: Increased LR11/Sor1 in diabetes retinopathy decrease after continuous positive airway pressure in patients with sleep apnea.  The 10th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS).,  Bankok, Thailand,  2016/12
4. ◎Takahashi M,Shiba T,Hori Y,Suzuki K,Shirai K: ANNUAL CHANGE OF CARDIO-ANKLE VASCULAR INDEX PREDICT NEW ONSET OF RETINAL ABNORMALITY IN THE URBAN JAPANESE RESIDENTS.  The 10th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS).,  Bankok, Thailand.,  2016/12
5. ◎Takahashi M, Shiba T, Hori Y, Suzuki K, Shirai K: ANNUAL CHANGE OF CARDIO-ANKLE VASCULAR INDEX PREDICT NEW ONSET OF RETINAL ABNORMALITY IN THE URBAN JAPANESE RESIDENTS.  2016 Congress of the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology,  manilla, Philippine,  2016/11
6. ◎Takahashi M, Shiba T, Hori Y, Suzuki K, Shirai K: ANNUAL CHANGE OF CARDIO-ANKLE VASCULAR INDEX PREDICT NEW ONSET OF RETINAL ABNORMALITY IN THE URBAN JAPANESE RESIDENTS.  The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (Hypertension Seoul 2016),  Seoul , Korea.,  2016/09
7. ◎Takahashi M, Suzuki K, Shirai K: Annual change of cardio-ankle vascular index was the risk of the new onset of ischemic changes on ECG in the urban Japanese residents.  The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (Hypertension Seoul 2016),  Seoul, Korea.,  2016/09
8. ◎Aya Saito, Noboru Motomura, Yuya Ito, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Mao Takahashi, Akira Takahara, Koji Shirai: Changes of aortic stiffness during aortic clamp / declamp maneuver.  The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (Hypertension Seoul 2016),  ソウル, 韓国,  2016/09
9. ◎Chikao Miyazaki, Mao Takahashi, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Tatsuo Chiba, Takenori Morisita, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Nobu Sugo, Akira Takahara, Kohji Shirai: The changes of arterial stiffness monitored with cardio ankle vascular index (cavi) during raised intracranial pressure in the rabbit.  The 26th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (Hypertension Seoul 2016),  ソウル, 韓国,  2016/09
10. ◎Kazuhiro Shimizu, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Mao Takahashi, Shuji Sato, Kohji Shirai: Effect of nitroglycerin administration on cardio-ankle vascular index.  The 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension,  ソウル、韓国,  2016/09
11. ◎Shuji Sato, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Mao Thakahashi, Osamu Nagakawa, Kohji Shirai: Changes of arterial stiffness monitored with the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) during hemodialysis therapy.  The 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of hypertension,  Seoul, Korea,  2016/09
12. ◎Shuji Sato, Mao Takahashi, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takuo Iizuka, Masayo Suzuki, Hiroshi Mikamo, Hirofumi Noike, Kohji Shirai: Effect of nicorandil administration on arterial stiffness monitored with the cardio-ankle vscular index (CAVI) after coronary intervention.  The 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of hypertension,  Seoul, Korea,  2016/09
13. ◎清水一寛、白井厚治: The Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI)in Hypertension Management.  第18回中国高血圧学会,  広州、中国,  2016/09
14. ◎清水一寛, 白井厚治: The Cardio-vascular index in various hemodynamic changes.  The 13th Chinese International Congress of Vascular Medicine (CCVM2016),  湖南、 中国,  2016/06
15. ◎白井厚治, 清水一寛: The principle of the Cardio-ankle Vascular Index and its clinical application.  The 13th Chinese International Congress of Vascular Medicine (CCVM2016),  湖南, 中国,  2016/06
16. ◎Yoshikiyo Akasaka, Miho Nakamichi, Naomi Inomata, Yuri Akishima-Fukasawa, Toshio Kinoshita,
Kiyoshi Onishi, Tetsuo Mikami: Induction of CD34+/pro-collagen I+ fibrocytes in granulation tissues following bFGF
injection into rat skin ulcer.  2016 Wound Healing Society annual meeting,  Atlanta, Georgia,  2016/04
1. ◎高橋真生: 慢性心不全の病態管理について.  成田呼吸器疾患講演会,  成田、千葉,  2016/12
2. ◎美甘 周史、佐藤 修司、川添 理代、飯塚 卓夫: 高齢者高度石灰化病変の一例.  第3回 Big Bang,  東京,  2016/04
  :Corresponding Author