(最終更新日:2022-11-06 17:53:50)
  マツオカ カツヨシ   Matsuoka Katsuyoshi
  松岡 克善
   所属   東邦大学  医学部 医学科(佐倉病院)
   職種   教授




1. 原著  Characteristics of adult patients newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease: interim analysis of the nation-wide inception cohort registry study of patients with Crohn's disease in Japan (iCREST-CD). 2022/11
2. 原著  Safety and efficacy of long-term tofacitinib treatment in East Asian patients with ulcerative colitis in OCTAVE Open. 2022/10
3. 原著  Certolizumab pegol for maintenance of medically induced remission in Crohn's disease. 2022/06
4. 原著  Symptom Improvement of ulceRative colitis after an Induction dose of UStekinumab in Japanese clinical practice (SIRIUS), measured using patient-reported outcomes: a prospective observational study. 2022/05
5. 原著  Interim analysis of a multicenter registry study of COVID-19 patients with inflammatory bowel disease in Japan (J-COSMOS). 2022/03
6. 原著  Physician-patient communication affects patient satisfaction in treatment decision-making: a structural equation modelling analysis of a web-based survey in patients with ulcerative colitis. 2021/06/27
7. 総説  潰瘍性大腸炎におけるカルシニューリン阻害薬治療後の寛解維持治療としてのチオプリン製剤の有用性と限界 2020/03
8. 原著  Indigo naturalis is effective even in treatment-refractory patients with ulcerative colitis: a post hoc analysis from the INDIGO study 2020/02
9. 原著  Indigo naturalis is effective even in treatment-refractory patients with ulcerative colitis: a post hoc analysis from the INDIGO study. 2019/09
10. 原著  Ulcerative colitis outcomes research in Japan: protocol for an observational prospective cohort study of YOURS (YOu and Ulcerative colitis: Registry and Social network). 2019/09


1. 2018/04~ 東邦大学 医学部 医学科(佐倉病院) 教授