(最終更新日:2024-03-15 16:07:20)
  キムラ ヤスノリ   Kimura Yasunori
  木村 泰紀
   所属   東邦大学  理学部 情報科学科
   職種   教授




1. 原著  Resolvents of the equilibrium problem with generalized perturbations on complete geodesic spaces with negative curvature 2023/12/08
2. 原著  New type parallelogram laws in Banach spaces and geodesic spaces with curvature bounded above 2023/10/01
3. 原著  Sufficient conditions for perturbations to define the resolvent of the equilibrium problem on complete geodesic spaces 2023/06/22
4. 原著  Strong convergence theorems and a projection method using a balanced mapping in Hadamard spaces 2023/02/01
5. 原著  Uniform convexity and convergence of a sequence of sets in a complete geodesic space 2022/12/01
6. 原著  Asymptotic behavior of resolvents of equilibrium problems on complete geodesic spaces 2022/10/01
7. 原著  Asymptotic behavior of resolvents of a convergent sequence of convex functions on complete geodesic spaces 2022/05/01
8. 原著  A convergence theorem of an implicit type iteration in a geodesic space 2022/02/01
9. 原著  Strong convergence to a solution of a variational inequality problem in Banach spaces 2014/06
10. 原著  Viscosity approximation methods with a sequence of contractions 2014/03


1. 部分執筆  「数学の言葉と論理」 2008/09


1. Iterative methods for a family of mappings on a complete geodesic space (口頭,特別講演・招待講演など) 2013/12/22
2. A characterization of convergence for a sequence of subsets in geodesic spaces (口頭,一般) 2013/10/13
3. On the shrinking projection method for mappings defined on a geodesic space (口頭,一般) 2013/08/02
4. The Mann iteration procedure with two nonexpansive mappings in CAT(1) spaces (口頭,一般) 2013/08/02
5. Approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in CAT(1) spaces (口頭,一般) 2013/07/05
6. Iterative methods for common fixed point problems on geodesic spaces (口頭,一般) 2013/07/03
7. Approximation of a fixed point of an operator defined on a geodesic space (口頭,特別講演・招待講演など) 2013/01/09
8. Approximation of a solution to a fixed point problem on a geodesic space (口頭,一般) 2012/12/17
9. Strong convergence of an iterative scheme for two different types of operators (口頭,一般) 2012/09/12
10. Strong convergence for a common fixed point of generalizations of cutter operators (口頭,一般) 2012/09/04


1. 2011/04~2015/03 東邦大学 理学部 情報科学科 准教授
2. 2015/04~ 東邦大学 理学部 情報科学科 教授


1. 2000~ 国際数理科学協会
2. 2002~ 日本数学会