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 医学部 医学科 内科学講座 血液・腫瘍学分野(大森)
 Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine (Omori)
■ 当該年度研究業績数一覧表
研究者名 刊行論文 著書 その他 学会発表 その他
和文英文 和文英文 国内国際

名取 一彦   准教授
  2 1 1          1
石原 晋   助教
  2  2          
和泉 春香   助教
 2  1 1          
長瀬 大輔   助教
  2  2          
 2 2  0 0  0  1
研究者名 刊行論文 著書 その他 学会発表 その他

名取 一彦   准教授
  1       1
石原 晋   助教
和泉 春香   助教
 2 1       
長瀬 大輔   助教
 2 2  0 0  0  1
(  ):発表数中の特別講演、招請講演、宿題報告、会長講演、基調講演、受賞講演、教育講演(セミナー、レクチャーを含む)、シンポジウム、パネル(ラウンドテーブル)ディスカッション、ワークショップ、公開講座、講習会 (  ):発表数中の特別講演、招請講演、宿題報告、会長講演、基調講演、受賞講演、教育講演(セミナー、レクチャーを含む)、シンポジウム、パネル(ラウンドテーブル)ディスカッション、ワークショップ、公開講座、講習会
■ 刊行論文
1. 和泉春香, 石原晋, 長瀬大輔, 三井ゆりか, 酒井亜紀子, 加藤元浩, 倉石安庸, 荒井一歩, 名取一彦:  統合失調症の経過中に急性リンパ性白血病を発症し寛解導入療法しえた異時性重複癌症例.  臨牀と研究  92 (2) :215 -218 , 2015
2. Izumi H, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Sekiya H, Shibuya K, Natori K:  Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia-Induced Overt Acute Leukemia with Impairment of Mastication due to Leukemia Cell Infiltration in the Tongue that was Improved by Chemotherapy.  新薬と臨床  63 (12) :56 -61 , 2014
3. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Sibuya K, Izumi H:  Case of Double Cancer Consisting of Granulocytic Sarcoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma.  新薬と臨床  63 (12) :62 -68 , 2014
1. 和泉春香, 石原晋, 長瀬大輔, 酒井亜紀子, 久保田伊哉, 加藤元治, 倉石安庸, 若山恵, 根本哲生, 緒方秀昭, 荒井一歩, 澁谷和俊, 名取一彦:  超高齢者甲状腺原発悪性リンパ腫の経験.  臨牀と研究  92 (1) :81 -84 , 2015
■ 学会発表
1. ◎塩野則次、奥田誠、名取一彦、小原明: 急性冠動脈症候群(ACS)における輸血およびTACO.  第139回日本輸血際病治療学会 関東甲信越支部例会,  東京,  2015/02
2. ◎名取一彦, 長瀬大輔, 石原晋, 齊藤芙美, 金澤真作, 酒井亜紀子, 緒方秀昭, 和泉春香: 造血器悪性疾患と乳癌からなる重複癌 当科19例の検討.  第22回日本乳癌学会学術総会,  大阪市,  2014/07
1. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms consist of lung cancer and hematological malignancies.  14th Central European Lung Cancer Conference,  Vienna, Austria,  2014/11
2. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Therapy-related leukemia after lung cancer therapy.  14th Central European Lung Cancer Conference,  Vienna, Austria,  2014/11
3. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Metachronous double cancer included B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and pancreatic cancer that diagnosed after progression of diabetes.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
4. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms including malignant lymphoma.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
5. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Hodgkin's lymphoma in our hospital.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
6. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms including myelodysplastic syndrome.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
7. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: The multiple neoplasms consist of colon cancer and hematological malignancy.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
8. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: HBV infection screening for malignant lymphoma.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
9. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Chemotherapy for malignant lymphoma patients. Oral care is necessary?.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
10. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Retrospective study of the Follicular lymphoma.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
11. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Malignant lymphoma that diagnosed from gastric biopsy.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
12. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Study of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diffuse large B cell cases that are treated without rituximab.  32nd World Congress of Internal Medicine,  Seoul, Korea,  2014/10
13. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diffuse large B cell patients in more than 80 years old.  Praque European Days of Internal Medicine,  Praque, Czech,  2014/09
14. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms consist of esophangeal cancer and hematological malignancy.  Praque European Days of Internal Medicine,  Praque, Czech,  2014/09
15. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Oral infection control in elderly malignant lymphoma patients.  The 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Hematology,  Istanbul, Turky,  2014/09
16. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms consist of gastric cancer and hematological malignancy.  The 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Hematology,  Istanbul, Turky,  2014/09
17. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Malignant lymphoma diagnosed from gastrointestinal biopsy.  14th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer,  Barcelona, Spain,  2014/06
18. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in elderly.  European and Swiss Congress of Internal Medicine 2014,  Geneva Switzerland,  2014/05
19. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Multiple neoplasms including acute myelogeneous leukemia.  European and Swiss Congress of Internal Medicine 2014,  Geneva, Switzerland,  2014/05
20. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma elderly patients. Oral care is necessary?.  European and Swiss Congress of Internal Medicine 2014,  Geneva, Switzerland,  2014/05
21. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase N, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Arai K, Izumi H: Study of primary central nerve system lymphoma.  European and Swiss Congress of Internal Medicine 2014,  Geneva Switzerland,  2014/05
22. Natori K, Ishihara S, Nagase D, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Izumi H: Study of malignant lymphoma at Stage I and II.  European Congress on Head & Neck Oncology 2014,  Liverpool, England,  2014/04
23. Natori K, Nagase D, Ishihara S, Sakai A, Kato M, Kuraishi Y, Izumi H: Multipe neoplasms consist of hematological malignancies and head & neck cancer.  European Congress on Head & Neck Oncology 2014,  Liverpool, England,  2014/04
  :Corresponding Author