マギ シゲユキ   Magi Shigeyuki
  間木 重行
   所属   東邦大学  医学部 医学科
   職種   助教
言語種別 英語
種別 部分執筆
表題 Mathematical modeling of cancer signaling addressing tumor heterogeneity
書名 Methods of Mathematical Oncology
ISBNコード 9789811648663
編者名 Takashi SuzukiClair PoignardMark ChaplainVito Quaranta
版・巻・頁 370,pp.141-152
出版社Springer, Singapore
(都市, 国名)
著者・共著者 Shigeyuki Magi†
発行年月 2021/08/22
概要 One of the obstacles for cancer therapies is the heterogeneity of cancers. Heterogeneity in signal transduction within the same cell population contributes to drug resistance and stemness, and the diversity of cancer subtypes contributes to different therapeutic efficacy between individuals. However, the whole mechanisms associated with heterogeneity in signal transduction are poorly understood. In this review, I introduce several mathematical modeling studies to deal with cell-to-cell variability and diversity of cancer subtypes. Mathematical modeling studies to analyze the heterogeneity of signal transduction should provide new insights that will promote the next generation of cancer therapies, such as overcoming drug resistance and personalized medicine.
AmazonURL https://www.amazon.co.jp/Methods-Mathematical-Oncology-Mathematics-Proceedings/dp/9811648654
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