ニシオ ジュンコ   Nishio Junko
  西尾 純子
   所属   東邦大学  医学部 医学科
   職種   准教授
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Immunoregulation by the gut microbiota.
掲載誌名 正式名:Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS
巻・号・頁 69(21),pp.3635-50
著者・共著者 Junko Nishio,Kenya Honda
担当区分 筆頭著者
発行年月 2012/11
概要 The human intestinal mucosa is constantly exposed to commensal microbiota. Since the gut microbiota is beneficial to the host, hosts have evolved intestine-specific immune systems to co-exist with the microbiota. On the other hand, the intestinal microbiota actively regulates the host's immune system, and recent studies have revealed that specific commensal bacterial species induce the accumulation of specific immune cell populations. For instance, segmented filamentous bacteria and Clostridium species belonging to clusters XIVa and IV induce the accumulation of Th17 cells in the small intestine and Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells in the large intestine, respectively. The immune cells induced by the gut microbiota likely contribute to intestinal homeostasis and influence systemic immunity in the host.
DOI 10.1007/s00018-012-0993-6
PMID 22527722