ノガワ トモアキ   Nogawa Tomoaki
  能川 知昭
   所属   東邦大学  医学部 医学科
   職種   講師
論文種別 原著
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Transition-type change between an inverted Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and an abrupt transition in the bond percolation on a random hierarchical small-world network
掲載誌名 正式名:Physical Review E
略  称:Phys. Rev. E
巻・号・頁 89,pp.042803:1-5
著者・共著者 Tomoaki Nogawa and Takehisa Hasegawa
担当区分 筆頭著者
発行年月 2014/04
概要 We study the bond percolation on a one-parameter family of a hierarchical small-world network and find the metatransition between an inverted Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (iBKT) transition and an abrupt transition driven by changing the network topology. It is found that the order parameter is continuous and the fractal exponent is discontinuous in the iBKT transition, and oppositely, the former is discontinuous and the latter is continuous in the abrupt transition. The gaps of the order parameter and the fractal exponent in each transition vanish as they approach the metatransition point. This point corresponds to a marginal power-law transition. In the renormalization group formalism, this metatransition corresponds to the transition between transcritical and saddle-node bifurcations of the fixed point via a pitchfork bifurcation.